Executive Coaching for Owners, Busines Partners & CEO's


© 2023 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, Business Partners Counselor

As a CEO, owner, or business partner, you have to fight fires all day, preventing you from doing your most important work, business strategy, innovation, and growth. This can lead you to work long hours without a break and without having time to recharge and recover.

Let’s face it, you became a CEO or business owner to have more freedom in your life. Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in your business?

Confidential One-to-One Executive Coaching Focussed on You 

We Discuss Your Current Business

We talk about your business in detail, including its present challenges and opportunities, as well as where you would like to see going in the short and long term.  I provide a supportive sounding board for your ideas and also might suggest creative ways to look at your business ideas, seeing them from a fresh perspective. My usual process is to ask questions.

Answer Questions Based on Proven Success Strategies

Those questions are informed by what has been successful based on businesses that I have worked with, as well as the best strategic leadership processes that I have studied.

Examine How Your Business Can Serve Your Personal Life

The rest of your life informs our discussion. What you do in your business has an impact on your personal life and your relationships with your family.  We want to make sure that any decisions that you make sense in the totality of your life rather than only being made in isolation of your life.  Ultimately, your business needs to serve your life, rather than you becoming a complete servant to your business.

Achieve a Balanced and Happy Life

My training and work in psychology allow us to seamlessly talk about your business and your personal life in conjunction with each other so that you can achieve significant business success and still have a sane, happy life.

Executive Coaching Packages

Outcomes of Executive Coaching for Strategic Leadership

  • Researched insights into the challenges facing your business
  • Tools to spend less time operating your business and more time growing your business through strategic leadership
  • A trusted confidant to offer unbiased feedback and advice based on extensive experience owning and operating businesses
  • Better communication with and buy-in from your team by developing people skills and empowering your team members
  • Improved confidence that you are making the right choices for your business

Critical Issue Jumpstart

  • 2.5-Hour Deep Dive
  • Explore Creative Options
  • Plan Your Action Steps
  • Enlist Success Resources
  • Identify Execution Timelines

3-Month Coaching Package

  • 2.5-Hour Critical Issue Jumpstart
  • 6 Implementation Sessions
  • 3 Assessments for Focus
  • Email Support Throughout
  • Between-Session Resources

Custom Executive Coaching

  • You Choose the Timeframes
  • Retainer Pricing Available
  • Tailored to Your Unique Needs
  • Hand Picked Assessments
  • Between-Session Resources

Executive Coaching for a Competitive Advantage

If you alone, or you and your business partners want to make better strategic business decisions to gain a competitive advantage while taking more time off to enjoy your lives more, consider executive coaching with me.

I specialize in helping you implement strategies in your business so you can live more and work less. Together, we will upgrade your role from operations to strategic leadership. How?

  1. Making smarter strategic business decisions
  2. Creating innovations to increase your market share
  3. Learning to use optimal communication tools to strengthen your business relationships with all of your stakeholders

I'll help keep you focused on optimising business relationships, growth and measurable results. But in addition to material success, we will reduce your time in operations, working in your business, so your life becomes balanced so  you can enjoy the rewards of your growing business success!

Ladder on industrial silo of Alexandria, Minnesota Waste Treatment Plant

What is Strategic Leadership Business Consulting?


The word "Strategic" tells us that a leader engages in careful, clear thinking, designed to advance her vision for the company, and does so in a way that maximizes the impact of her strategy. It includes translating the vision into plans and building flexibility into those plans.

"Leadership" is setting an example by effectively communicating her plan to all who are tasked with implementing it. But it is more than communicating... Leaders also confidently inspire their firm's people to enthusiastically execute their strategic plans.

Is CEO Executive Coaching For You?

Working with an executive coach enables you to grow as a leader and a person. Both competence and confidence are likely to increase. The executive coaching, business, and consulting clients that I have worked with saw their increased confidence and competence transfer to more profitability and growth for the companies that they run.


9 Reasons You Benefit from Executive Coaching | Consulting

  1. You head up an organization that depends on high quality decisions to remain successful
  2. You know that motivated vs. mediocre teams can make or break your business
  3. You embrace the truth that your growth as a leader and your organization's growth can't be seperated
  4. You want to make the best decisions for your organization. Getting them right is of utmost importance
  5. You only want to confide in someone who can grasp the complexity of your organization's challenges
  6. Complete confidentiality is of vital importance for you. You want a confidant who you can trust
  7. You want unbiased feedback from a person who gets you and who really knows you and your business.
  8. You want to reallocate your time from operations to strategic leadership and work less hours in your business
  9. You are committed to strategic growth and building a business that no longer needs your daily involvement

Contact Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, to discover how executive coaching helps you to have a bigger and brighter future. There is no charge for a short telephone conversation, text, or email exchange.

Strategic Leadership Success Begins with a Curious Inquiry, Listening Carefully to Your Challenges


Together We May Discover:

  • Your underdeveloped personal strengths
  • Your deeper life mission as well as your current goals and objectives
  • Your preferred ways of accessing your inner and outer world
  • Your possible blind spots in seeing, hearing and feeling what is internally and externally occurring
  • The ways in which your communication to others may be enhanced, to better connect and so you may be more clearly understood

Strategies for the Accomplishment of Your Goals are Clearly Defined:

A primary duty of your strategic leadership business consultant is to help you to provide you with a sounding board so you may effectively:

  • Assess realistic time parameters for projects
  • Map out the "How To" of achievement
  • Incorporate real-world feedback to  fine-tune your goal-achievement strategies
  • Acknowledge and celebrate milestones as goals are achieved

Insightful Analysis Leads to a Fresh, Creative Focus for Setting & Fine-tuning Your Goals:

  • Goals that are motivating, energizing and possible due to being strategically focused
  • Based on their likelihood to move you and your executive team forward in accomplishing organizational results and also in improving your professional lives
  • Giving thought to how your goals support life-balance and richer personal life for you and all of your employees.

A Business Owner CEO Client Review

Richard has helped bridge the gap between my personal life, the sharing of information with my family and friends and running the company that is now much more successful today than it was four years ago. I genuinely attribute some of that success to him.

Having an avenue to discuss my company matters with someone who is entirely unbiased is extremely helpful in growing your business. You can discuss any subject, with any level of concern, and always take away valuable feedback on the information on topics that you may not otherwise wish to consult with colleagues or business partners.

Before working with Richard, my life was too consumed in the operations of my business, which ultimately led to difficulties in my personal life. Being able to have help in dealing with everything from personal issues with family members, to developing a strategy to help create a new management team within my business, has been bar none the most productive use of my time versus having to find help from two different sources.

It is hard enough to find someone so skilled in those areas individually, but to have Richard’s ability to navigate them together, is a lasting investment of my time and worthwhile personally and professionally.

I now find time to get out of the office and enjoy personal hobbies and my family time, which otherwise would have gone to the wayside. The relationship with my wife and daughter have only strengthened, my stress levels have minimized from where they were, and my relationship with other family members has improved."

What is the Differnce Between Executive Coaching & Business Consulting?

Business consultants and Executive Coaches often use these terms interchangeably as it is common for the same consultant to serve in the role of Executive Coach as well as actively consult, often doing so with the same organization. The surest way to define those differences is to consider the focus wanted by the business owner or CEO.

Collaborative Decision Making

Executive Coaching the Business Owner(s)

With Executive Coaching, the relationship is personal, confidential and focused on the business owner or CEO as a person. He or she benefits from skilled listening, insightful questioning and encouraging guidance of the Executive Coach. A central purpose of the relationship is to help the CEO or business owner to grow as an effective leader.

Although it is not psychotherapy, the work process of executive coaching typically results in professional and personal growth, stronger relationships with executive team members and increased workplace and home life balance. The role of the executive coach is to help lead his or her clients to their decisions rather than directly advise them on what is best to do.

Business Consulting and Management Consulting

Here the consultant typically has a greater focus on the business itself rather than the business owner or CEO, as a person. It is about guiding the organization towards better strategies, processes and leadership decisions. Therefore, greater emphasis on advising is what is wanted and intended by the business organization to help them make their best strategic decisions.

Therefore, greater emphasis on advising is what is wanted and intended by the business organization to help them make their best strategic decisions. Thus, the role of the consultant may be more directive than would be the case if he or she was functioning strictly as an Executive Coach.


What is My Investment to Work with Richard or Grant Chandler?

  • Visit our contact page or email at [email protected] for a no-cost consultation to obtain an accurate price base on your wants an needs for you and your business.
  • We will explore if working together may make sense for you and your company.
  • We will do our best to make answer your questions so that you can be sure that your profitability can be improved through our strategic leadership or digital marketing consulting services.
  • All proposed work is discussed and agreed to prior to proceeding so there are no hidden costs or surprises.
  • Discounted pricing available on packages, including our strategic and digital strategy audits.

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