Strategic Resources

Text Your Business Partner? Communication Tools to Resolve Conflict

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

Text Your Business Partner? Communication Tools to Resolve Conflict © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor Your choice of communication medium, face-to-face interactions, email, video conferencing, or even instant messaging, can profoundly impact your partnership’s health. Communicating isn’t just about exchanging information; it is also about understanding the intentions and emotions behind […]

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7 Strategies for Balancing Business In Family Partnerships

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

7 Strategies for Balancing Business In Family Partnerships © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor Are you currently in a business with family members or considering this possibility? Family business partnerships can be advantageous, allowing family members to build upon a trusting relationship to generate financial success and have more flexibility in […]

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Resolving Business Partner Conflict With Perception Filters

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

Resolving Business Partner Conflict With Perception Filters © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor How might your personal experiences, beliefs, and background impact your business decisions and relationships? ‘Perception filters’ are deeply ingrained cognitive patterns that shape how we interpret the world around us, and they play a pivotal role in business […]

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Married to Your Business Partner? Find A Healthier Balance

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

Married to Your Business Partner? Find A Healthier Balance © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor Are you married to your business partner-literally? Dual relationships that combine romantic and business partnerships present unique challenges absent in most business partnerships. Successfully navigating this complex dynamic requires balance, clear communication, and agreed-upon boundaries. This […]

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Reversing Business Partners Conflict Through Positive Intent

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

Reversing Business Partners Conflict Through Positive Intent © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor Effective communication is vital for success in any business partnership. But how can you ensure that your communication fosters trust and understanding rather than leading to misunderstanding and conflict? The key lies in assuming positive intent. This article […]

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The Impact of Unclear Divisions of Labor on Business Partnerships

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

The Impact of Unclear Divisions of Labor on Business Partnerships © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor The success of any business partnership relies on clear and balanced divisions of labor. However, issues can arise when these divisions are unclear or uneven, impacting the partnership’s dynamics and effectiveness. This article explores the […]

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Balancing Stability and Growth: Overcoming Disagreements in Business Direction

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

Balancing Stability and Growth: Overcoming Disagreements in Business Direction © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor In any business partnership, disputes are bound to arise, and one common area of contention is the direction of the business. Differences in goals, risk tolerance, and growth strategies can lead to conflicts that can impact […]

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Resolving Money Management Conflicts for Business Partners

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

Resolving Money Management Conflicts for Business Partners © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor In the dynamic world of business partnerships, disagreements are bound to arise. One area that often sparks tension and discord among business partners is money management. Whether it’s how profits should be allocated, investment decisions, or even personal […]

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Working With People Who Are Different From You

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

Working With People Who Are Different From You © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, The Business Partners Counselor Building successful working relationships with individuals who have different personalities and work styles can be challenging yet incredibly rewarding. In this article, we will explore the importance of more deeply understanding your coworkers, embracing diversity, and offering […]

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Leveraging Workplace Adaptability

By Richard Chandler, MA, LPC

AQ Success: 7 Steps for Leveraging Workplace Adaptability © 2024 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, Certified Level 2 Adaptability Professional As the pace of change has quickened, disruptive technological tsunamis have become commonplace, and workplace stress has strained employees’ mental health and well-being. A workforce that can continually adapt is required. But how do you make […]

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