Strategic Leadership Consultants

© 2023 Richard Chandler, MA, LPC, Masters in Psychotherapy, Licensed Professional Counselor & Grant Chandler, BFA, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt


During times of uncertainty, more creative solutions are required. Consider making a small investment that may have a large return. Talk with us. We can help.

Through confidential one-to-one business consulting and executive coaching for owners, CEO's, and their executive leadership, and operational leadership teams, we bring clarity, focus, and creative insight, leading to better decisions.

Contact us for a short, no-cost consult to discover how a confidential sounding board may jump-start your leadership results.

Founded 2012

Find Hidden Profit Opportunities in Your Business this week of October 16, 2023.

We Identify the Best Opportunities to Boost Business Margins

Working with a strategic leadership consultant, also known as an executive coach, is a format enabling you to grow as a leader and a person. Both competence and confidence are likely to increase. My executive coaching business owners have increased their confidence and competence, resulting in higher profits and growth for the companies that they run.


Is Leadership Business Consulting for You?

  • You head up an organization whose continued success depends on the quality of your decisions
  • Your organization has a handful of employees or a workforce in the hundreds
  • You have the authority to make the major decisions in your organization
  • You would like to confide in someone who can grasp the complexity of your organizational challenges
  • Complete confidentiality is of vital importance for you
  • You would like to receive unbiased feedback
  • You wish to reallocate your time, away from operation and towards creative strategic planning and personal time

What Results Can You Expect from Strategic Business Consulting?


We have National Experience Consulting Across Industries:

Insurance & Finance
Health Care
Organic Agriculture

Why Contact Us?

We Focus On Your Strategic Opportunities for Profit

Reviews from Our Clients

“I have been working with Richard on a monthly basis since May of 2015 on improving my effectiveness as a business owner and partner. Through insightful dialog, Richard has helped me improve my outlook and approach to challenging problems. I credit my work with him for dramatically improving my relationships with key partners and for improving my leadership skills. I believe the value of my time and investment with Richard has been paid back tenfold in improved attitude and performance in my life.”

Joseph Meyer, CEO of Central Minnesota Manufacturing Company
Joseph Meyer, CEO of Pristine Environmental, Full Circle Water
“Thanks so much, Richard; you provided such a valuable workshop for our office. We are already using many of the tools and have a great understanding of our different styles of communication. I would absolutely recommend that any business would benefit from your expertise and individuals as well. You are very professional and easy to understand. Thanks again for helping me and my business!”
Naomi Kowalik, Owner and CEO
Naomi Kowalik, JD, CLU, ChFC, CLTC, CFP®, CMFC

“After over four years of working with Richard, I now find myself working in areas of strategy and sustainability of my business for the long term. It was difficult for me to get out of the daily rituals that consumed my business day. There have been times when I have wondered if I have given away too much to my new management team, but seeing our company growing without some of my direct interaction is proof that the decisions I have made, with the guidance of Richard, were the best for my business. Working on the business, rather than in the business, is a significant milestone for any leader within an organization. As hard as it was to make the first step in consulting with Richard, it has been one of the single most important and valuable decisions I have made in my career."

A 100-Employee Distribution Company Owner & CEO
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